Sunday, July 22, 2007


Ok so I know i haven't posted in a few days but I have a very good reason why i havent... which is..... um.. Ok so maybe I don't have a good reason ok. But i went to the Indiana black Expo and this year it was alot more boaring, i just got a bunch of free stuff. And while I was at the expo I saw a fire exibit and me being 11 years old, my child curiosity came into play. So I went in but I didn't know how long the thing was going to be so I sat through the entire show. But turned out that the normally 5 min. ahow was 7-10 mins this time and boy was I in trouble when I got out my mom said that she was scared but I didnt but I didnt beleave her . Honestly I dont think she even wants me becuase today I went to a booth for foster homes just to grab a free pen . And soon enough she told me about the foster home. So I a;ready have a plan... Im running away from home to Kokomo. Well anyways I got to go and check my email so until I blog again just wait. bye.

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